Tuesday 24 February 2015

Perry Light Cavalry - previews.

The Perry Miniatures Light Cavalry 1450 – 1500 have officially broken cover and will be 
released at Salute show in April.

I had the opportunity to paint samples provided from the test production sprues to denote troop types that Michael requested; which have been used on the Perry’s website and I believe in the box 

As previously with the Perry's late medieval range, this box provides great figure options to create spear-armed coustillers, hobilars, crossbowmen, longbowmen, et al - most useful for European armies but I’m sure that many mounted longbowmen and hobilar types will be finding their way into WotR armies too. There are more variants of helmets too – my favourite is the onion shaped kettlehat – but there are several helms and heads which will be used in my future Swiss army. Also the arms for the crossbowmen and longbowmen, plus the separate arrow bags, can be used to create more variations of plastic foot figures, which I’m already planning.

Here’s some pics of the painted light horse, before their foray to Nottingham.


  1. Awesome. Really nice painting. Very happy to see this set nearer to purchase stage. The new heads as well will add more variety to foot troops. cheers

  2. Brilliant figures and brilliant painting!

  3. Lovely brushwork Simon!

    I'm still looking for the EA codes that I painted up for the Twins over a year ago.... they are in my ex's garage packed away- it's full to the brim and a nightmare to find anything! I'll have to have another go- it will be my fourth attempt to find them!! Crazy......

  4. Very fine paint work, I like the look of the trumpeter most, he looks just like some of the mounted men from Schilling!

  5. Top notch painting, Looking forward to seeing the set in the flesh.

  6. Excellent as ever! I guess these were the very same models showcased by the Twins at Hamburg Tactica last week – was quite excited to see the light cavalry finally making an appearance there. And no better choice than hiring a dedicated expert like you for painting some promo models. Well done!
    Cheers, Tilman

    1. Hello Tilman - those would be the very ones. I really must plan ahead and get to Hamburg show - my first resolution for 2016!! Simon.

    2. If you do, Simon, please let me know so we may meet up there. Would be great! If it helps making the leap I can offer B&B as well. :-)
      Cheers, Tilman

    3. Tilman - I appreciate your offer - lets get in touch nearer the time for next year. Thanks.

  7. You have done a great job on these! I've been waiting for these figures to come out for ages, it looks like the Perrys haven't disappointed as it seems to be a very versatile box set.

  8. Lovely builds and exellent paintwork!

    I ofcourse especialy love the Swedish Svenner with the onion toppen helmet.

    The look all Greate on the leaflet that Will be in the Box that i was fortunate to be able to profread regarding the Swedish information Included.

    1. Thats good to hear that they have proof read, as the insert for the Agincourt English box had several spelling errors, which are easy to get corrected and which personally annoy me when I spot them!!
