Well, 'to burgundianise' is not a proper verb of course, but I feel that it maybe a regularly appearing one on this blog.
Although I should be finishing off my HYW armies (and am indeed making some progress, as you can see over at my other blog) I couldn't resist having a small dabble at the recent Perry WotR metal men at arms. It feels a little sacreligious to tamper with these excellent castings and I know that this task will be much easier when the next Perry plastic box is released, which will have similiar style head options to reflect the european origins of these troops, but hey ho...
So I've made some minor alterations to attempt to make them more Burgundian in appearance - basically by simply adding pennons, plumes and scarves to helmets and St Andrews crosses on a brigandine and breastplate. The pennons and crosses are just cut from thin foil (an old tomato puree paste which just happens to be red one side) and the plumes are metal castings drilled and pinned. The scarves follow an Italian habit, which I felt is appropriate as many of the Ordonnance were raised from Italian mercenaries by Charles the Bold, although contemporary illustrations should it to be widespread - possibly as a recognition sign as mush as for fashionable appeal.
Really nice conversion work !
ReplyDelete"Saint André ! Nostre Dame Bourgogne !" ;)
Thanks for the tip on the foil, I bought some old Foundry knights a while back and this is perfect for them...
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff yet again Simon. I'm now awaiting to see what they look like when when the little chaps have had a lick of paint.
Darrell, not sure when they'll see paint, but I'll try and squeeze them in when I can. Didn't really neesd to do the 'upgrade' on them, but enjoyed it as a change from painting.
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